About Journal :
National Journal for Legal Research and Innovative Ideas [NJLRII] is a peer-reviewed online journal on law and multidisciplinary issues published quarterly. The aim is to promote research work, enhance legal academics, legal awareness in the society and to promote original legal writing among law students and young academics. Also, to focus on bridging the gap between research and practice and Implementation of new and varied techniques of learning.
In furtherance of these aims, NJLRII publishes four Issues in its annual Volume. We welcome submissions on any area of law, policy, governance, commerce, humanities, social science, psychology and general. There is no limitation on the choice of topic, the only requirement is that it involves legal analysis with relevance to India. NJLRII provides an interactive platform for the publication of Short Articles, Long Articles, Book Review, Case Comments, Legislative Comments, Research Papers, Essays in the field of Law and others too.
NJLRII is having [ ISSN(O) : 2582-8665 ]and purpose is to disseminate knowledge and research in various aspects of the law. Also, to establish a strong link between researchers and learners and to provide everyone with a common platform to enhance the development of learning standards. This Journal offers students, academics, professionals, to bring forward their views and ideas through a high level of research and get acknowledged in front of masses. NJLRII welcomes contributions from all legal branches and others as long as the work is original, unpublished and is in consonance with the submission guidelines.
National Journal for Legal Research and Innovative Ideas[NJLRII] invites original, unpublished content from all academician, authors, legal professionals and students, under the following categories-
•Short Articles: (1500-2500 words, including footnotes)
•Long Articles: (2500-4000 words, including footnotes)
•Case Comments: (1800-3000 words, including footnotes)
•Research Papers: (3500-10,000 words, including footnotes)
•Book Reviews: (1500-3600 words, including footnotes)
[Note: Please don’t submit more than one submission until or unless your submission shall be disqualified.]
Eligibility :
Law students pursuing the five-year LL.B course as well as the three years course, Academicians, students pursuing LL.M. or Ph.D., and Educators or any student from Arts and Commerce Stream .
Themes :
National Journal for Legal Research and Innovative Ideas [NJLRII] on Law and Multidisciplinary Issues believes in bringing certain reforms in the current system, by publishing brilliant submission on contemporary issues. The Journal believes that every issue or aspect of the law is important. Therefore, we do not emphasize on a particular theme. Contributors can submit their submission on any theme related to law, policy, commerce, humanities, psychology, social science and general.
Submission Guidelines ( How to submit? )
Procedure for Acceptance:
•On receipt of the contribution, the Editorial Board shall screen it to satisfy itself about the conformity of the contribution with the NJLRII condition & policy, scheme and style for submission of the Journal.
•It is mandatory to send an abstract while submitting the manuscript under the head of Research paper and Article of not more than 300 words including key . Every abstract should contain at least 3 keywords denoting the theme and relevance of main manuscript.
•The screened work shall be assessed by the nominated.
•A contribution recommended by the referee as fit for publication as such or recommended for publication with necessary amendments, if any, shall be considered for publication after the author would submit the amended paper accordingly. The author will be given two weeks (2 weeks) to carry out the changes so.
Perks (Conditions Apply) :
NJLRII will give along each of the selected manuscript author(s):
•Certificate of Publication.
•Top 3 (three) meritorious research papers will be provided a small token of thanks along with a small gift from the NJLRII Family.
•Please note the above-mentioned things will be sent to the Author(s) on their respective postal addresses.
•Every quarter we shortlist Top 1 Article or Paper.
Submission Deadline : 28 Feb 2023
Please note that all submissions must be as per the schedule mentioned above.